JS symbol
This is JS Symbol Docuemnt
Javascript implements iteration(for and for await and so on..) by setting Iterable protocol using Symbol Symbol.iterator
and Symbol.asyncIterator
for example
const iterable = {}iterable1[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
}for (const a of iterable) console.log(a)// 1
// 2
// 3
There is more information
There is Local Symbol and Global Symbol
Local Symbol
let’s make one simple js custom protocol by using local symbol
object prototype is not recommended (you’re case will be class or function) but for example
const symbol = Symbol('blabla')Object.prototype.blablaProtocol = function(){
const symbol = Symbol.for('blabla')
if (this[symbol] !== undefined) console.log(this[symbol])
else throw new Error() // just do something with that
and make instance like this
const blablable = {}
const another = {}blablable[symbol] = "hello protocol!"
another.blablaProtocol() // Error
Global Symbol
is static method to make and get global symbol which return global symbol with given key or make new symbol
let’s see a code
symbol = Symbol.for('blabla')
symbol === Symbol.for('blabla') // true
Symbol('blabla') === Symbol.for('blabla') // false
Global symbol is stored in GSR(global symbol registry) which are managed by JS Engine. So Global symbol can be accessed by another window like iframe
You can implement compare variable like this.
const ADMIN = Symbol.for('blabla')
There is many ways to make unique variable, but symbol is very basic and native way to make unique variable